8 Myths About Bikes and Biking

We bust some common misconceptions related to bikes and cycling.
Many people want to take up biking, both as a sport and a hobby. However, many of them hesitate because they have fears about some things they read online or hear from other people.
Many of these fears are rooted in myths or beliefs of others that are simply untrue. To clear up the misconceptions about bikes and biking, our team at Stead Cycles has compiled a few of the top myths people should know when it comes to biking.
Top Myths about Bike and Biking in Australia
For those interested in taking up biking but are afraid of unverified information about the sport, we recommend reading the truth on certain myths about bikes and biking.

Myth # 1: Cycling is an expensive hobby or sport.
This is not always the case. While there are bikes that cost thousands of dollars, there are also affordable bikes anyone could buy for a cheaper cost. The cost of biking as a hobby depends on the type of bike one purchases. Those who do not want to splurge can buy decent bikes at around $400-$500.
Those who still find that expensive can try to purchase second-hand bikes first. If they like the biking experience, they can save up enough money to buy newer and more efficient bikes of their own.

Myth # 2: Biking is extremely dangerous.
Like any other sport or activity, biking has its own risks. However, the risks of biking are no greater than the standard risks of any mode of transportation. The most important thing about safety in biking is knowing what to expect and how to protect oneself.
Bikers should always know the rules regarding biking in their areas. If there are designated biking areas in the streets, bikers should follow those paths. Cyclists should also know how to protect themselves when biking. Purchasing the right accessories like helmets, headlights, and taillights help.
Remembering and adhering to the rules and safety standards will lessen the risk of biking and make it as safe as possible.

Myth # 3: Women bikers should only use women-specific bikes.
Some people claim that women should only buy bikes made for women. This statement is untrue. Choosing the right build does not depend on a person’s gender but on how their body is built.
An individual should get the bike that would best cater to their body. After determining the measurement of the bike, they can then select the bicycle’s features, including the colour, seats, design, and other cycling accessories.

Myth # 4: Bike lanes are dangerous.
Lane sharing is one of the most common and complicated issues between cyclists and vehicular drivers. Many drivers (who are not bikers) believe that having bike lanes are dangerous. They also believe that cyclists are only obstacles that make the road tighter.
Yet, this isn’t exactly the case. Having bike lanes actually encourage drivers to be more careful and conscious when driving on open roads. In addition, by sharing the road with cyclists, drivers would be inclined not to speed or turn lanes fast since there is a risk that they may hit cyclists or other pedestrians.
What is crucial is that bike lanes are properly marked and protected. Road markings and barriers should be in place to lessen the risk of accidents.

Myth # 5: Bike lanes for cyclists should only be built for streets that cyclists use.
On the contrary, bikers would not be able to pass through streets safely without proper bike lanes. This is one of the reasons why cyclists do not pass-through roads that have no bike lanes.
The rule of thumb is where there are cars, there is also a potential for cyclists to be there. By creating bike lanes on streets, more cyclists would be incentivised to use the road. That’s a win-win for the people and the community and the environment.

Myth # 6: Biking puts pedestrians at risk.
There are times when pedestrians may feel unsafe if they share paths with bikers. This is especially true when bikers move too fast in shared streets. While the risk for accidents will not totally disappear, having proper markings and barriers on roads will lessen the risk of accidents.
Local governments need to plan bike lanes well and ensure that they are separate from the path pedestrians take. If lane sharing cannot be avoided, the lane should be wide enough for both pedestrians and bikers to travel in opposite directions at the same time.

Myth # 7: Thinner tyres are faster than wider tyres.
Most people think that thinner tyres move faster because there is less weight. However, the truth is wider tyres are faster than their narrower counterparts. This is because contact patches of bikes with wide tyres provide lower rolling resistance.
Those who want to bike fast should consider their intended use before selecting the bike’s tyres. It’s best to ask for assistance from biking pros who can assist in getting the perfect bike tyre for the user.

Myth # 8: High tyre pressure results in faster biking performance.
Numerous factors contribute to speed, with tyre pressure being one of them. However, tyres should only be inflated within the listed pressure indicated in the tyre. Any higher and the ride would not be comfortable anymore. Apart from lack of comfort, the tyre and wheel performance of the bike will not be at its optimal level.
Tyre inflation is also related to the pressure put on by the weight of the biker. Therefore, one must check their weight and the kind of bike riding they want to do to inflate their tyres properly.
Be Informed about the Basics of Bikes and Biking with Stead Cycles
Are you interested in taking up biking soon? Learn all about biking when you visit Stead Cycles. With years of experience in the trade, we know what types of bikes and accessories will work best for our clients in New South Wales.
Some of the bikes we offer come from known brands such as GT Bicycles, Redline, Felt, and Radio Bike Company. Apart from our range of bicycles, we also have safety gear and bike accessories. If we do not have what you are looking for, we can get it for you!
Call us on 02 4966 2141 or visit us at our shop at 29 Landor St, Beresfield NSW 2322 today!